Singing Guide: Mass (1971)

Singing Guide: Mass (1971)

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Mass, written by Leonard Bernstein in 1971, is a groundbreaking work that blends elements of classical, rock, and gospel music. It tells the story of a celebrant who questions his faith and ultimately finds redemption through the act of leading a mass. The music is varied, with influences from different genres, and the vocals require a wide vocal range, making it a challenging work for singers.

If you're looking to learn to sing like the lead vocalist in Mass, there are some steps and resources you can use to improve your skills.

  • Start by testing your vocal range with Singing Carrots' vocal range test. Knowing your range will help you find where your voice sits comfortably and what parts of the song might require more attention.
  • The pitch accuracy test will also help you identify areas in which you need to improve.
  • Once you've assessed your vocals, dive into Bernstein's unique style of music by exploring our song search tool. You can find songs matching your range, difficulty level, and genre preference, which will help you find songs to practice that are similar in style.
  • As you work on your vocal technique, review Singing Carrots' article on how to analyze your voice. This article will teach you how to listen to your singing, identify areas for improvement, and create a plan to practice.
  • To tackle the unique vocal technique required for Mass, be sure to investigate our articles on vocal registers and vocal breaks, as well as open mouth and throat singing techniques, which are used in gospel music. Understanding the different vocal registers and how to transition seamlessly between them is crucial for this piece.
  • Additionally, the Singing Carrots resources detailing contemporary vocal techniques and vocal distortion provide useful tips for the rock elements present in Mass, including details on growling, which Leonard Bernstein uses in this piece.
  • To fine-tune the performance aspects of your singing, explore our articles on performing on-stage and tips for overcoming stage fright. Learning to overcome nerves is critical for performing live and will help you give an excellent performance.
  • Finally, Singing Carrots’ vocal health article and tutorials on breathing techniques and chest voice will keep your voice healthy and support your progress during your practice.

To practice specific techniques mentioned above, Singing Carrots' vocal exercises videos will help train your voice in a practical way. Try out the sustained and diaphragmatic-themed exercises to expand your vocal endurance. The video resources are especially helpful because they will illustrate various vocal techniques and how to perform them.

By following these steps and using the Singing Carrots' range of resources, you can learn how to sing like the lead vocalist in Mass with-confidence and technical proficiency. Happy Singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.